Chapter 19

“Not unless I’m on the evening shift.”

“Then why me?”

“Because I was where you are about a year ago.”

“Yeah, I remember you telling me that.”

“So, I’ll ask you again, how’s the patient?”

“I’m doing good, or so they tell me,” Joe said.

“What does your body tell you? By that I mean, does your body agree with what they’re telling you?”

“Pretty much. I really have nothing to compare this experience with, but the pain is under control, and I feel okay. It’s Charley I’m worried about.”

“I noticed that he seems to be on the verge of tears and was trying to decide whether or not to ask.” Chris turned to Charley and said, “Joe’s going to be okay, so what’s the problem?”

“It’s my family,” Charley said.

“Families can be a pain, but what about them?”

“Joe and I have been renting a garage apartment from my mother for the past two years while we save enough money for a down payment on a house.”

“That sounds good. What else?” Chris said.