Chapter 37

Ted could see that Chris was really relaxing and getting sleepy, then his eyes closed, but the doctor didn’t stop talking to him. Finally, the doctor spoke to Ted. “You can come over here and ask Chris questions, if you like.”

“What kind of questions?” Ted said.

“Whatever comes to mind, but don’t talk too loudly and keep the questions simple. Okay?”

He went over and stood beside the couch and saw that Chris’s eyes were now open, but they were sort of staring at nothing.

“Can he hear me?” Ted said.

“Sure, but it’s better if you address him by name.”

“Okay.” Ted asked Chris a bunch of questions, and Chris answered in a voice that sort of sounded like him but didn’t sound like him at the same time.

“Can I make him do silly things?”

“You can’t make him do anything that he wouldn’t be willing to do ordinarily.”

“I don’t understand,” Ted said.

“Okay. Is Chris the kind of guy who would take off all of his clothes and run naked through a shopping mall?”