Chapter 53

“Well, I tried,” he said when he closed the phone. “I don’t think we want to go home by way of Chicago or New York, and those were the only options.”

“Why don’t you see if there are any movies in town that both we and Ted might enjoy?” Mickey said.

“What a good idea,” Chris said. “I’ll get right on it.”

Chris opened and booted his laptop, picked up the hotel’s Wi-Fi signal, and began to search for movies. He found a multiplex that, according to the map, was close to where they were and read the list of films.

“That Disney film sounds good,” Mickey said.

“What do you think, Ted?”

“I’ve never been to the movies.”

“Why does that not surprise me?” Chris said. “Disney it is, then.”

They went to an early evening showing of the film, and Ted was beside himself with excitement.

“This is so cool,” he said as they waited for the film to begin.

“I still don’t understand why this kid has never been to the movies,” Mickey said.