“So, we need to buy them an extra nice Christmas present,” Chris said.
“Have you any ideas?”
“No, but I’m hoping that Ted might.”
“Me?” Ted said.
“Yes, you. Think for a minute or two. Have you heard the Clarks mention something they’d really like to have, but don’t?”
Ted was quiet for a while; then he said, “They’re always talking about how old their TV is, but they can’t bring themselves to spend the money on a new one. Or something like that.”
“That’s perfect,” Chris said. “Ted, do they have cable?”
“Yes, Sir. At least, they have the basic channels. I don’t watch TV when I’m over there, and I haven’t seen them doing it very much.”
“Why’d you ask about cable?” Mickey said.
“I don’t know much about that stuff, but it might make a difference in what kind of TV we get them.”
“Needless to say, Ted, this is top secret,” Chris said. “Don’t you breathe a word of it to them. I want them to be totally surprised.”