“Good talking to you,” Chris said before he turned to follow the hostess.
“Good to meet you,” Mickey said.
They placed their drink orders, and Mickey said, “That was a cute couple.”
“Yeah. Maybe we should have them over for dinner sometime.”
“You’re the resident chef, handle it.”
“Our calendar is pretty full through the end of the year, and it’s too early for me to plan anything for next year. Next year depends on how quickly I bounce back from surgery.”
“You’re not worried, are you?” Mickey said.
“No, but I have to consider all of the alternatives. There’s not a doubt in my mind that I’ll be ambulatory fairly quickly after both surgeries. The question is, how ambulatory and how soon? That, I can’t predict.”
“You bounced back pretty quickly last time, so there’s no reason to suppose this time will be any different. Right?”
“Yeah. Meanwhile, if you’re finished with your food, I’d like to go home and have dessert.”
“Works for me.”