“Thank you,” Ted said.
Chris followed Philip back to the foyer, up the stairs, and eventually wound up in a small but nicely appointed office.
“I work from home,” Philip said, “so I spend a lot of time in here.”
“Yeah, George said that in addition to being a best-selling author, you’re also a real-estate investor.”
“That would be me, but we’re here to talk about you. I read your s, as well as your outline. I also took the liberty of sending them to my publisher.”
“He thinks that if you keep the story going just as it is, you’ll have a winner.”
“Wow!” Chris said. “I certainly didn’t expect that.”
“Thinly disguised autobiographical novels are popular at the moment, and he’d like to take advantage of the trend. Do you have any idea when you’ll be finished with the book?”