Chapter 17

“Wow! He didn’t waste any time, did he? What’s next?”

“He’s got a couple of local guys lined up to do the follow-up investigating.”

“Way to go, Quentin.”

“Yeah. Gotta run so I can make our reservations.”

“Go for it. Bye.”

Chris spent some time on the Internet, and when he finally turned off the computer, their long weekend in Savannah was set. It hadn’t been easy—St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah was a huge event and attracted visitors by the thousands—but he had their rooms booked as well as one restaurant reservation.

One more thing taken care of, he thought. Then he settled down to write and didn’t stop until he took a break for lunch.

Atlanta, GA

AFTER TED’S WEDNESDAY appointment, Chris had his usual post appointment session with Dr. Brannon

“Ted is making great strides,” she said, “and I’m really pleased with his progress. I’m beginning to think that a few more months of sessions might even be enough, but I’m not ready to be definite about that.”