“Oh, Brian,” she said to her husband, “when you said you had a surprise for me, I had no idea it would be this grand. And Mickey, you boys will come to dinner tomorrow after church, won’t you?”
“Sure, Gram. Do you still go to early Mass?”
“Of course I do. Always have, always will, although I’ve started going to an Episcopal church in recent years, and once in a while I go to the later service because I like the music.”
“Really!” Mickey said. “That’s a surprise. What happened? If you don’t mind my asking.”
“I didn’t like that Nazi Pope, that’s what happened, and the new one isn’t any better. Do you boys go to church?”
“Yes, Ma’am. We’re communicants at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Jacksonville.”
“Good for you. Are you going to go to church in Savannah?”
“The organist and choirmaster at Good Shepherd is a friend of ours, and he talks about the music at St. John’s in Savannah a lot, so we’ll probably go there.”