“I’ll bring the food,” Ted said.
“Wait till Mickey can help you,” Chris said. “You don’t want to have an accident on the stairs.”
“Yes, Sir.”
It took a few minutes, but they were eventually seated at the card table enjoying their food.
Mickey looked closely at Chris’s plate. “You’re eating the same things we are.”
“That’s true, but there isn’t anything on any of our plates that I’m not supposed to eat.”
“Meaning you’ve adjusted our menus accordingly.”
“And it’s still good to eat,” Ted said
“There you have it,” Chris said. “Out of the mouths of—”
“Yeah,” Mickey said. “You didn’t ask what was new in my world.”
“Okay, I give. What’s new in your world?”
“Remember me telling you about my big presentation?”
“Yeah, you used it as an excuse to not come see me during your lunch hour.”
“It was a reason, not an excuse,” Mickey said. “And you never asked me what it was about.”
“Okay. What was it about?”