Chapter 70

“I needed this,” Mickey said. “It gets hot here in June. Not as hot as Florida but hot enough.”

Chris was silent for a few minutes. “Okay, Mick, out with it. What’s bothering you?”

“I was just thinking about how seldom we get to do something just for the two of us. This trip is nice, and it’s important to you personally. I just wish it wasn’t quite so… regimented. We talked about having a date night once a week, but somehow we never got around to it.”

“I know what you mean, but just think—we’re not that far away from our Fourth of July weekend trip, and you know what happens then.”

A sly grin appeared on Mickey’s face. “Yeah.”

DINNER AT CHRIS’S other aunt’s house was pretty much a repeat of the lunch at Aunt Agatha’s. Chris’s cousins were there, and everyone was on their best behavior, but Mickey detected an undercurrent of something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Later, when they were relaxing in their hotel room with glasses of wine, he said as much to Chris.