We both went to sleep facedown on the mat, and the next thing I knew was coming awake rather suddenly. I’d slept soundly and was somewhat disoriented at first, and David was still out cold next to me. I finally realized that I’d been awakened by the vibrations of someone coming up the steps, and that the sun had long since disappeared. Then I heard voices and knew that our hosts had arrived.
Thor, their Irish Setter, was the first to reach the top of the steps and come onto the deck. I stood up and greeted him. He then went over and stuck his cold, wet nose in the crack of David’s butt and sniffed. This, of course, woke David up.
“What’s happening?” he said, his voice full of sleep.
“We slept the afternoon away,” I said. “Our hosts are here, and you’ve just been goosed by Thor, their Irish Setter.”
“Let me open the other gate,” George said, “so Thor can spend some time down in his run.”