Chapter 9

“So what would happen if you weren’t married?

I mean like if you guys suddenly decided you didn’t like each other

or something.”

“Wow! Everything’s been going so fast, I

hadn’t thought of that,” Stefano said. “I guess it might actually

be okay now. I kind of ended everything last night, but if we

weren’t married, I don’t know what would happen. Technically, it’s

over because Logan and I are family, or rather, Sam and I are

family. He’s the one that killed the guys in my shiver, he and his

mates, Derek and Wyn. I guess if we broke up suddenly, the feud

might still be on. Either way, I don’t think we have to worry about

that. I think Logan and I are going to do just fine.”

“Yeah, of course,” I said, trying not to

sound guilty. “I was just curious.”

“Well, then,” Stefano said, putting his hand

between my shoulder blades and leading me toward a pair of French

doors that overlooked the ocean. “Let me show you something else

you’ve been curious about.”