Chapter 16

I stood up from my chair to meet him, but

before I had made it very far, Stefano was already in front of me.

He leaned up and put his hands behind my neck, pulling me into a

kiss. He kissed me hard, almost instantly greeting my mouth with

his tongue. I opened my lips to him, loving the passion. Stefano’s

hands moved from my head to my shoulders, and he pulled me toward

him. I had a wonderful buzz going, and this was the most fun I had

had all day. I moved my arms to his back and shoved us together

even closer. My cock was firm now, and I made sure that I pushed

myself into him. Stefano groaned a little, and I knew he felt


His hands began to move through my hair, and

he slowly moved his hips into mine. An ahem kind of cough echoed

somewhere in the room, and people began to speak.

“Okay, I think you’re done,” Sam said.

“Good job!” Derek announced as we slowly

pulled out of our kiss and looked at him.

“You met the challenge,” Wyn added.