Chapter 20

“That really is huge,” he said with a smile,

and then he nodded towards Logan’s ass. “Do you think you can

remember what I just showed you.”

I got this big smile on my face, and so did

Logan. He turned back to us and said, “It’s clean.”

“Wait, are we all, um…” I began.

“Safe?” Stefano asked. “Yes. Logan and I

discussed it last night, and from what you were telling me on the

beach, it’s been a while for you. Are you good?”

“Completely,” I said.

“Yeah,” Logan added. “Tom and I actually went

together last time. We pretended we were a couple, and neither of

us has been with anyone except for you.”

“Well, in that case, we’re all good,” Stefano

said, and nodded his head in the direction of Logan’s ass. “Bon


I climbed onto the bed, and lightly moved

Logan’s legs apart. He smiled back at me, and I put one hand on

each of his full ass cheeks, squeezing them, enjoying their

ripeness. I moved my hands down to the crack, and lightly pulled