Chapter 23

Logan moved a little so that his hips were

even further in the air, then he opened his legs as far as he could

go. “Try it now,” he said, smiling at me.

I pressed my cock up against him and pushed

while Stefano used his hands to try and pry Logan’s hole open a

little more. I could feel my tip go in, and Logan took a deep


“Go slowly,” Stefano said. “You don’t want to

hurt him.”

I pushed in a little more. Logan tensed and

then relaxed. After a few seconds, he nodded his head for me to

keep going, and I did. This time, I was able to make it further

than before, gaining a few more inches. Logan moved his legs apart

a little more, and Stefano lifted them so that Logan’s ankles were

on my shoulders. I waited, not sure if either of us was ready for

me to go any further. Logan felt warm and really tight. I smiled,

realizing that I was inside him.

Logan nodded to me, and I pushed in a few

inches further, going until he arched his back up toward me,