Chapter 26

“How was that different?” Stefano asked

Once again, one of Logan’s long pauses. I

wanted to peek over and see what his face looked like when he was

thinking. Believe it or not, that often helped me understand what

he was about to say next.

“I wasn’t in a relationship then,” he finally

said. “Or maybe…”

“Maybe what?” Stefano asked.

“Well, I might have actually been in the

opposite of a relationship.”

“What does that mean?” Stefano asked.

“Well, I was lonely, and alone, and rejected

when I arrived here.”

“Rejected?” Stefano asked. “Who rejected


“No one,” Logan answered in a voice that let

me know he was trying not to say my name. “I think I just felt that


“When people feel rejected, we usually feel

rejected by someone, or something, but usually it’s someone. Are

you sure you weren’t rejected by a particular person?” Stefano


There was something about Stefano’s tone that

made me wonder if he should have gone into law like his sister.