Chapter 32

“You feel pretty amazing too,” I said to


“Maybe it’s okay if we’re fast this time,” he

said, moving up into me a little with his cock as I shifted back

and forth on it.

“I think so,” I agreed, beginning to move a

little faster on his cock. “It’ll prepare us for real life when we

never have enough time for sex and have to rush.

“Does that mean you’ll marry me?” Logan

asked, increasing his speed on my cock.

It took a second for the statement to

register and then I laughed really hard as I began to ride his cock

like there was no tomorrow. It was just like Logan White to ask you

to marry him as you were working hard to reach an orgasm. He always

seemed to get what he wanted, and the idea that he finally wanted

me was a little overwhelming. Logan began to laugh as well, and I’m

not sure whether it was the physical movement of us both laughing,

the release of tension, or just the utter joy of laughing with this