Chapter 34

“He’s actually in Cocoa Beach today meeting

some people to see about opening another place there,” Logan


“I know,” she said, as if to a rude child.

“Don’t think I didn’t plan it all this way. But don’t worry, he’ll

be back for our little event this evening. Gentlemen, I’ve decided

to take you up on your offer. You can take the place of Sam and his

little boyfriends. The guys will lock you in the office. Just

remember, if you try to escape, the deal’s over, and Sam and his

idiots are back in the hot seat. Rest up boys, you’re going to need

your energy tonight; you’re going to be fighting for your


Logan and I nodded and followed her goons to

the office.

“Do you have names?” Logan asked. “Or are you

just her underlings?”

“You can call me sexy,” the shorter one


“And you can call me anytime,” the other one


“I still think we prefer goon,” Logan said as

they opened the office door. TEN
