Chapter 37

Nick quickly assured her, “No, wait. It’s nothing bad. Hear me out.”

With an annoyed smirk, she leveled a bored look his way. “When you say it’s nothing bad, it usually is.”

“Like when?” he asked, smiling.

“Oh, honey, it’s nothing bad, but I sort of ran off the road,” Lisa mocked. “The car was totaled. Or oh, honey, it’s nothing bad, but I accidentally spent this month’s mortgage payment on a new cap for my tooth.”

“The other one broke off!” Nick gave her a wounded look, which made her giggle. “You can’t expect me to go around with a broken tooth. I’m an actor!”

Lisa wasn’t amused. “You haven’t had an acting gig in three months.”

“I’m still an actor anyway,” he argued. “If I didn’t have sex for three months, that wouldn’t mean I was no longer sexual.”

“Three months?” she joked. “It’d mean you were dead. Watch the nails.”