Chapter 5

We carried our gym bags into the locker-room, and Mike said, “What are we doing today?”

“We usually run on Saturdays, but if you want to do a different routine, I’m game.”

“Let’s do about five miles, then. I need to sweat last night out of my system.”

We pulled on our gear and headed out the door and down Riverside Avenue. It was a well-established route used by various members at all times of the day, starting with a group who met, already in running gear, an hour before the Y opened. They timed their run so that the facility would be open by the time they returned. Then they showered, shaved, dressed, and went to work. They called themselves the ‘dawn patrol’.

We’d just reached the one-mile mark at the park when Mike said, “What are you doing the rest of the day?”

“What do you think? The shingles are calling me.”

“Want some help?”

“You know you can’t hammer even a roofing nail in straight, but I appreciate the offer.”