Friday morning at the Y, Mike and I reverted to what we now referred to as Plan B, which meant that we stared at the stalker while he performed. Saturday, we ran the bridges both ways and arrived back at the Y in a state of exhaustion. As usual, we did a few laps in the pool, and then, in a change of our routine, we went to the sauna instead of the steam room. The sauna was much smaller than the steam room and had two levels of benches around two sides of the room. Two windows, one of them set in the door, gave a clear view of the room from the locker area.
We sat down on the top bench, facing the door. There were two older guys on the bench below us. Predictably, the stalker entered the room a few minutes behind us. He settled on the lower bench next to the wall and under the window, which meant that his lower body couldn’t be seen from outside. He started to become tumescent.
I looked at Mike and said, “You know what, it’s just too hot in here. Let’s go next door.”