Chapter 37

The nurse moved around the bed checking readings on the machine and making notes on her clipboard. Eventually, she left, and we sat quietly to wait. We waited and waited until I wasn’t sure I could stand it. I sensed, rather than saw, movement on the hospital bed, so I stepped over to the side of the bed and took Mike’s hand. He was getting restless in his sleep, if that’s the right term. I guessed that meant he was coming out of it, so I squeezed his hand and said, “Time to wake up for a few minutes, big guy.”

His eyes fluttered for a second and then opened. “Thirsty,” he said.

“I’ll get it,” Deb said. She found a glass and one of those flexible straws and went to the bathroom for water. A minute later, she handed me the glass, and I put the straw to Mike’s lips.

He took a few sips and sighed. “Good.”

I set the glass on the nightstand. “Deb, can you give me a couple of minutes alone with this guy?”

“Sure. I’ll be right outside.”