Chapter 13

I am hurting here too, Peter. I loved your parents also. They were

the only parents I had left, and now you are the only family I

have. Excuse me for getting pissy, Peter, but I would prefer to not

get a call to go identify your body on the side of the road after

some creature, or God only knows what has left you for dead.”

“Esteban, I understand that you are upset,"

I said, trying to pull him toward me. “Yelling at me is not going

to make you feel better, and quite frankly it’s not going to change

my mind. This is how I protect you and me.”

“No, Peter. This is how you ruin it for us.

This is how you keep bad things coming into our lives. It’s how you

make sure that there is no peace for us. It’s what my parents, and

it’s what your parents chased, and none of them are here to reap

any good rewards for their efforts.”

Esteban moved so that he was only inches

from me and lightly placed his fingers on my chin. He turned my