Chapter 49

The phone rang about four times before he picked. “Qu-Quinn.” He sounded out of breath. “Is everything all right? Your mother?”

“She’s fine. Are you all right?”

“Ne-never better.”

“Are you sure you’re not having a heart attack?”

“No h-heart attack, Quinn.” That amused him very much, and it occurred to me he might be enjoying a little afternoon delight in his office. While he was in his seventies, he was a vibrant man, and Sebrings carried their age well. He didn’t look like he was more than fifty.

“I apologize for interrupting, Uncle Bryan, but I need a favor.”

“Not at all. What can I do for you?”

“A friend of Mark’s is missing. Would you be able to check the set and see—”

“I’m not on the set, Quinn. Production was shut down for the rest of the week. Some kind of contract dispute with one of the leading actors.”

Dammit. I hadinterrupted a little afternoon delight.

“That doesn’t mean I can’t go see what’s going on. Tell me what you know.”