Chapter 99

“Is he all right, sweetheart?”

“As far as I know, Mother.” I went to the sink and washed my hands, then retrieved the coffee cups and placed them on the table in the corner. “I’ve had a chance to talk to him about what went on earlier this morning.”

“He actually told you what went on?”

“Do you doubt it, Gregor?”

“Yeah. I mean, come on. He’s WBIS.”

“We don’t keep secrets from each other.”

“I just hope you won’t be disappointed.”

“I’m never disappointed in Mark.”

Gregor scowled as he took out a couple of potholders, opened the oven, and removed a baking pan with egg yolks nestled on fluffy whites. He plated the eggs with bacon and triangles of whole wheat toast, then brought them to the table.

“How come Vincent has a different crutch?”

“You noticed that, did you?”

Gregor’s scowl deepened. “So what happened? Or did Vincent tell you to keep quiet about it?”

“Mark said nothing of the kind. The Director of Security recognized DB as a CIA officer who had followed him.”