“Here, babe.” Mark handed me a washcloth filled with ice cubes, and I straightened and held it against my cheek, grateful for the soothing sensation. “Sorry, Cooper, I fished the ice from your water pitcher. You’d better have it refilled.”
DB stared at him. “I can’t believe I’m in the same room with Mark Vincent. Quinn… What’s the Company going to say about this?”
“I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t care. I have no intention of telling them at this point, but if or when it becomes necessary, I’ll have no qualms in giving them an ultimatum.”
“You’d quit?”
“I’d resign.” I glanced at Mark and grinned at him. “Mark will support me in the manner to which I’m accustomed.”
“He would?”
“Yeah,” Mark said. “I’ve already told him I’d hire him as my personal assistant.”
“And then he’d chase me around his desk.”
“No, no, no!” DB closed his eyes and held his hands out as if to ward off the image. “I don’t need that picture in my mind!”