Chapter 11

And work on it, they did. For what must have

been ten minutes, both mouths moved around my nipples in a sort of

synchronicity that made Vegas dancers look like amateurs. First one

moved around the nipple licking and lightly sucking, while the

other sucked ferociously. Then, all of a sudden, without saying a

word they would reverse and I would let out an, “Oh, fuck!” that

left no one wondering what I was doing.

They both pulled away then looked up at


“See if you can last a little longer,” Derek


“Yeah, we want you to enjoy this,” Wyn


The twins then unbuckled their shorts and

let them drop to the floor. They were both facing me, and I admired

their bodies. Dark hair covered Derek from just below his neck to

his feet. A giant bush surrounded his cock and balls all the way up

to his navel, and just like the hair on his head, I wanted to run

my hands through it.

While Derek was natural and hairy, Wyn was