Chapter 8

“Thanks, Jerome, but you don’t know what you

are committing to. You are sweet though.”

“I don’t know what I’m committing to? You

mean the guy with the dark hair that makes him look like a

superhero? That hot guy? You mean wanting to date the only person

who treats me wonderfully one hundred percent of the time? You

think I’d be miserable spending my life with a guy that makes six

figures and has a dick that probably goes past the ten mark? I’ve

checked you out too, brother. You’re holding a lot in those pants.

Are you just so insecure that you don’t think any of that matters?

Because if that’s the case, please realize that what I most like

about you is that your smile lights up a thousand sun rises, and

that your laugh is the most contagious one I have ever heard. Do

you know how many people around here are crazy about you. You make

everyone you talk to smile. Not to mention that even if you were a

complete asshole, if you acted like Mr. Burlington for twenty-three