“Is it that time already?”
“Just about, so go ahead. Looks like the boys are being taken care of.”
He took my place on the bench—which ran around the perimeter of the pool and allowed you to sit back in the water and rest your head against the edge of the pool—and I went over to the calidariumand sank gratefully into the hot water, keeping an eye on one of the large clocks that were found on each wall. When my time was up, I went back to where both Dani and our guests were playing with the boys.
“I’m done,” I said.
“So are they,” Dani said. “I think by the time we get them showered, dressed, and upstairs, they’ll be ready for food and bed.”
“Works for me.”
Actually, by the time we got back upstairs, fixed something for the boys to eat, and put them to bed, we were pretty much ready for bed ourselves. We sat sipping glasses of wine with our guests until everyone was beginning to nod and talk about calling it a night.