Chapter 33

“I don’t remember any road repairs taking place here earlier,” Sal said, “besides which, it’s Sunday.”

“Sal,” Stefano yelled, “it’s an ambush—step on the gas.”

Sal did as instructed and approached the barricade at a fairly high speed, swerving into the left-hand lane to avoid the barricade. As we emerged from the tunnel, I saw motion in the bushes to the left; then I heard the sound of gunfire, followed by an explosion, and the world went black.


Duchy of AragoniMarco

I BECAME AWARE of several dull pains in various parts of my body long before I became cognizant of my surroundings. Then there was the sensation of a bright light shining in my eye. I tried to close it, but I couldn’t do so because my eye was being held open. The light went away, and it finally dawned on me that I was lying on a gurney in the trauma center at the hospital; I tried to sit up, which was a big mistake, because the room began to spin and everything seemed to hurt.