Chapter 45

“It comes and goes. Right now, it seems to be coming, and I don’t like having to push that little button any more than necessary.”

“When we pass the desk on the way out, I’ll tell them you’re ready for the pill.”



Duchy of AragoniMarco

DANI AND I SAID good night, kissed, and Luciano and I left the ICU. I stopped at the desk, got the nurse’s attention, and told her Dani was ready for his pill.

“I’ll see to it, Doctor,” she said. “Did you and your friend have a nice visit?”

“So, you did see us walk by.”

“I have excellent peripheral vision—of course I did,” she said.

“I’m very glad to hear that. I wouldn’t want just anyone to go barging into the ICU. Next time I talk to your boss, I’ll be sure to put in a good word with her.”

“Mrs. McClanahan runs a tight ship—she’s firm, but fair.”

“That she is. Good night.”

By the time we got back to the apartment, Luciano and I were both yawning. “I just remembered something,” I said.