“ConteMarco,” he said, “what are you doing here?”
“I came to see you. May we come in?”
“Certainly. Come in and have a seat.”
“If you don’t mind, Signor Conte,” Renato said, “I will stay outside the door and keep an eye on things.”
“As you wish.”
Sal led me into his apartment, closing the door behind us. I looked around the living room with interest and saw that it was a spacious room with French doors at the opposite end which were open, revealing a balcony.
“Nice place you have, Sal,” I said.
“I like it very much. It’s much roomier than my apartment in Siena. I have two bedrooms here, where I only had one in Siena.”
“It’s a palace compared to some of the tiny apartments Dani and I lived in while we were going to college, and when I was doing my internship and residency.”
“It has more than enough room for me.”
“Why don’t you buy a house?” I said.
“Because I am saving my money and investing it against the time when I will have to start a new life.”