Chapter 75

Angelina came to see me in late October in my official capacity as a doctor, and I referred her to a gynecologist. She had somehow talked Father into agreeing that she could take fertility drugs, and I did some extensive research into those that were available. Her gynecologist and I jointly selected one of the safest, and she started the treatments. One of the things that fertility drugs do is induce ovulation, and I was really curious to see if they would even work on a woman whose reproductive cycle was programmed by her genes to happen for only six consecutive months every five years. I was surprised to see her name on my list of appointments one day in early December and even more surprised when Father came to the appointment with her.

Without preamble, I said, “What can I do for you today, Angelina?”

“You can arrange for me to have the intrauterine insemination,” she said.