Chapter 87

When I got there, there were a number of strangers milling about, mostly looking nervous and upset, so I told the nurse in charge where I would be and slipped into the relative quiet of the doctor’s lounge. I hadn’t told anyone about a donor having been found, so I spent some time composing a sort of ‘one size fits all’ document that I could copy and paste as needed into the e-mails that would have to be sent once the surgery was over. Eventually, Dr. Rast appeared in the lounge and said, “Dr. Rosati is on his way to the recovery room. Everything went as expected, and I have high hopes for his success.”

“Thank you, Dr. Rast. I have high hopes as well.”

“By the way, everyone in the OR got a kick out of those markings on his abdomen and lower back.”

“He’s been around hospitals too long,” I said. “So you are pleased with the results of the transplant?”