“Yeah, I know you do, and I love you too.”
“I guess that means we’re stuck with each other, huh?”
I gave him a lengthy kiss, went home and straight to bed.
Duchy of AragoniMarco
SATURDAY MORNING, AS my guests and I stepped from the elevator into the parking garage, I said, “I called downstairs last night and reserved a car.”
“Reserved a car?” Sylvia said.
“A number of cars are kept available for rental by family members when needed.”
They followed me over to the guard booth, where one of the two uniformed men on duty said, “Good morning, ConteMarco,” and handed me a clipboard. I signed the document it contained, and he gave me a key attached to a clicker.
I looked at the small tag on the key, read it, and said, “We’re in space number twenty, ladies.”
When we were underway, Sylvia said, “Wouldn’t it be cheaper for you and Dani to own a car?”