Chapter 103

We were invited to a meeting in Father’s office a couple of weeks later, at which Stefano, Ramsey, and Trevor were present. Stefano had succeeded in locating the elusive Rufus, and Ramsey and Trevor had flown to South Africa to pay him a visit. The visit had not gone well from the outset—Rufus was anything but happy to have his long-lost relatives show up out of the blue. He told them that he had gone to great lengths to drop out of sight all those years ago and preferred to remain that way. Ramsey and Trevor had persisted and had finally gotten the man to admit that it was his near relatives in the UK with whom he was still annoyed, but he harbored no resentment toward his extended family in general, or the Duke in particular. In the end, he agreed to come to Aragoni for a visit in a couple of months, and Ramsey and Trevor had returned home.

“How was Seth related to Rufus?” I said.