Chapter 53

“Grandmother, something in this sad situation seems to amuse you.”

“Listening to you talking to your father, I was reminded of my father. He always knew, instinctively, how to take command of a situation. I’m very proud of you, Marco.”

“How do you think I will be received in Conti?”

“As my grandson, and the new Conte.”

“Just like that?”

“With me beside you, certainly. If you will excuse me, I must make a few telephone calls to Conti.”

“One question. Should we leave my mother here at the villa for the time being?”

“Yes, I think that would be wise. Floria will look after her, and Salvatore will look after the both of them.”


Tuscany, ItalyDani

MARCO AND I WENT upstairs to our room, sat down in comfortable chairs and looked at each other. The stunned expression on his face said it all. “Babe,” I said, “you look as though you could use a drink.”

“I’ll settle for a hot shower, followed by some TLC.”

“You’re on.”