“Il Signor Ducahas assigned me to be your driver and bodyguard during your time in Conti, Signor Conte. I am truly sorry that I was unable to obtain a more suitable vehicle on such short notice.”
“This will do,” Marco said.
“The new Conteshould arrive in a vehicle much grander than this one.”
“Don’t worry about it. This will do very nicely.”
“As you wish.”
The roads were icy and covered with a dusting of new snow, which forced Giuseppe to drive rather carefully, and we arrived at Castello Contiin just under an hour. Up close and personal, Castello Contimade a better impression than it had done from a distance. We drove through a gate and into an inner courtyard, around which the three-story building was built in a square. As we approached the entrance to the castle, I saw a number of people by the door—staff waiting to greet the new Conte, no doubt.