“Mr. Pannullo? I rather liked him and, more to the point, so did my late uncle’s attorney. Between them they seem to have things well in hand.”
“We were disappointed in one thing, however,” Dani said. “The local guy didn’t seem to have any idea what the late Contewas doing with all that cash.”
“Yeah. The accountant was able to trace the cash to my uncle’s personal account, and we found records of that. He was writing a large check every month and mailing it to a convenience address in Rome. The trail seems to stop there.”
“Have you hired an investigator to look into it?” Father said.
“Not yet, but that’s next on my list.”
Back in the privacy of our bedroom, I looked at Dani and said, “What do you think about my needing to produce an heir for Conti?”
“I think you’d make a good father.”
“Me, a father? I’ve never even thought about that.”
“Well, think about it, babe, because he’s absolutely right.”
“I think I’ll pull a Scarlett O’Hara on that one and think about it tomorrow.”