Chapter 115

“As it happens,” Dani said, “as of yesterday, I can give you a possible clue as to where to look.”

“Ah,” Father said, “you have more results, yes?”

“Yes, I do. This is extremely preliminary, but certain trace elements in the bones point to the area around Lake Trasimeno.”

“Is that the only location you can pinpoint?” Father said.

“So far, but I’m pretty certain that the deceased’s association with that region was her most recent.”

“How can you tell?” Angelina said.

This sent Dani off into a scientific recitation that lasted until I interrupted him saying, “Whoa. You lost the rest of us hours ago.”

“Sorry,” he said, somewhat sheepishly. “I get carried away sometimes.”

I decided to change the subject. “Father,” I said, “have you and Angelina set a date?”

“Yes, we have.”