Chapter 18

His voice was deeper than Tad remembered. “Mr. Jackson, Rebecca, Thaddeus.”

“Call me Tad.” He flirted his lashes, pleased when Rush turned scarlet. “Momma insisted on naming me after Daddy, but we both hate the name.” Tad shook his hand. Rush’s grip was firm, his palm dry and smooth but not soft, and he didn’t try to crush Tad’s fingers. That was pretty classy of him, and Tad liked that, but he intended to reserve judgment. If this guy even looked cross-eyed at his sister, he’d beat the crap out of him and save JT the trouble of tossing him out on his butt.

“You’re lucky to be livin’—” January sighed and frowned. “—living with three such gorgeous men, Rebecca.” She gazed from Tad to Daddy to JT, making her grin flirtatious.

Oh, my. The girl was in for a disappointment.

“I am, aren’t I? But call me Becca.” Becca grinned back.

“I’m Jan to all my friends.”

“Jan.” As the hostess, his sister gestured toward the seat beside Tad’s. “Please sit down.”