Rush brought his mind back to the present, grateful that he was behind his desk and JT couldn’t see his arousal.
“I’ll… uh… I’ll just read this and be along in a few minutes.”
“Okay. I’ll start warming up.”
“Mmm.” Rush barely noticed that JT had left the room. He turned the envelope over in his hands. The return address was from home.
No, that wasn’t really right. The big house in Atlanta had never been home, not in the sense the ranch was. These people not only liked him, they respected him as well, which was something he’d never been accorded while living with his parents.
He recognized his mother’s handwriting. Why had she written him? Was something wrong? Neither she nor Father had answered any of his letters beyond a stilted note when he’d let them know he’d gotten an A in every class he had taken the previous semester and so had been guaranteed not only a place on the Dean’s List, but a continuation of his scholarships for the following semester as well.