“She… uh…” Rush cleared his throat. “How are you feeling, Mopp?”
“I’m okay. Rush? What about Jan? Is she all right?”
“Okay, there’s no way to say this except to come right out and tell you. We don’t know where Jan is. Mr. Josh told her you were here, and when she didn’t show up, Becca kept trying to reach her, but she got nothing. Finally, she called Babe. Babe says just after we left for the hospital, Jan pitched a hissy fit, blamed her for everything, and took off. Babe was all set to leave, but Becca talked her out of it. God, this is so fucked up.”
It was, especially since Rush never swore.
“Jan’s missing?” Mopp’s field of vision seemed to shrink, panicking him. Was he about to pass out? Should he ask Mr. Cooper to ring for the nurse?
“Not exactly, Mopp.” A warm, broad hand took his, stroking it, and his gaze shot up to Mr. Cooper’s.