“I broke the news to Miz Babe,” Tom said, reclaiming Tim’s attention. He lightly stroked the Star of David.
“How is she taking it?”
“As well as can be expected. She and Delilah were friends for quite a few years. In addition, she’s unhappy because we have so little information. Other than that, she’s staying strong for Denny. Take them down to the lounge and don’t let anyone get near them. When Josh and Billy Bob get here, I’ll send them down to spell you, so don’t shoot unless you’re sure it isn’t them.”
“Okay.” Tim turned to Cris. “Let’s give the kids our condolences and then get cracking.”
ONCE THEY WERE downstairs, Tim had Cris check out the doors that opened off the large hall. As well as the lounge and restrooms, there was the embalming room, the arrangement room, and the display room.
“They’re all empty. Well, except for the lady in the embalming room.”
“You didn’t go in there, did you?” Tim knew that wasn’t allowed.