Chapter 11

“I thought public sex was frowned upon.”

He grabbed my hand, pulled me up from the lounge chair, and led me away from the pool.

“Are we going back to the trailer?”

“That’s too far away. I’ve got a better idea.”

I followed him into the little room where two or three men were watching a film running on a flat-screen television. He spread his towel on the one bench that was cushioned and sat down on it. “Come here,” he said in an almost-whisper, pulling me to him.

He began to work on my dick, which took perhaps ten seconds to become fully erect. His hands were gripping my ass from behind, and I felt a greasy finger began to explore and probe. I hadn’t even seen him reach for the lube in his bag. A second finger found its mark.

“Ready?” he said.


He slouched down on the bench until his cheeks were literally on the edge of the seat and spread his legs. Then he produced a condom, put it in place, and said, “Sit on it.”