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Chapter 5

He took deep breaths, and put himself into

what his mother called “the zone.” He pictured it. He pictured it

in all the ways he had ever seen it portrayed, and he pushed his

fear away. This was nothing to fear. This was something to deal

with. He dealt with scary things on Wall Street every day. He could

do this.

Suddenly, he felt it arrive. It was cool. It

was cool in the way that a nice evening was cool and refreshing. It

was cool in the way that a cool pool felt on a hot summer day.

He opened his eyes. It stood in front of

him. It was covered from head to toe in a cloak like he had

imagined, but the cloak was different.

It wasn’t black and dark. The cloak was

grey, almost colorless, and it almost covered this thing he had

summoned completely. He tried to look past the cloak and look at

it. He looked at the uncovered parts. It wasn’t scary. It was like

the opposite of sunny. It was overcast, but overcast in an