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Chapter 14

He tried moving to the left and the right and then backwards and

forward. He felt a little high, and he could never recall feeling

this good in his whole life.

When Mine reached for Seamus’s nipples,

Seamus arched his back and almost screamed. He grabbed Mine’s hands

and held them to his chest. Mine pulled one hand away and wrapped

it around Seamus’s cock. He then stroked it. Seamus moved up and

down, feeling like he was about to release everything that was in

him. One of Mine’s hands rubbed Seamus’s chest while the finger of

one of the hands stroking his chest reached out and began to caress

Seamus’s balls. Seamus suddenly moved his ass back on Mine’s giant

cock and clenched. Then he thrust his cock into Mine’s hand, and

looked down as shot after shot of white goo flew out of his cock.

Even full, he didn’t think his body could hold this much spunk, let

alone only a little while after he had already unloaded so much.