Chapter 5

Novotny approached the passageway with cautious steps, giving a bounce or two every few paces. “Are we sure this floor hasn’t rotted out?”

Quinn sighed. “Something else we’ll need to have an inspector look into.”

Normally I’d taunt Novotny about the floor being unable to hold him—not that he was overweight, but just to piss him off—but I had other things on my mind. While Quinn and his mother examined the parlor more closely, I pulled out my cell phone and hit six on speed dial.

As luck would have it, I got the answering machine.

“Hi. You’ve reached the residence of Theo and Wills. We can’t take your call right now because we’re in bed, having wild monkey sex, so you’d better not be thinking of coming by to rob us. We’d be in a really bad mood, and Wills would have to hurt you. So anyway, leave a message at the tone, and we’ll get back to you.”