Chapter 11

“So that means no trip to Vegas?”

“Not just yet.”

That gave me more time with him. I didn’t know why it was, but lately I needed to have him close enough to touch. Maybe having him haul my ashes out of the fire had something to do with it. Maybe it was just having someone who actually gave a fuck about me.

“Since the doctors won’t clear him even for desk work, he has plenty of free time,” Quinn was saying.

“Go ahead and give him a call,” I told him. “I’ll get the flight arrangements set up.”

Quinn took out his phone and hit a number on speed dial.

I did the same with the Balm’s number. It rang a few times, and I was starting to wonder if it would go to voicemail when he picked up.

“Sorry, Mr. Vincent. I was in the… uh… other room. What can I do for you?”

He shouldn’t have explained, but he wasn’t my agent, so I didn’t chew him out for it. “I need to fly down to Savannah.” The WBIS kept a Learjet hangared in a little airfield in Fairfax. “Can you accommodate me?”