Chapter 64

“What a waste. If it can’t be read…” Mark shook his head.

“I know someone who might be able to read the map.”

“Do you trust him—”


“Her,” Mark conceded. “Enough not to take off with the gold? Or sell the map to the highest bidder?”

I smiled at him. “Yes, I do.” Janet had worked for me for many years, and I knew one of her hobbies was puzzling out locations listed on obscure maps.

“All right, then. Why don’t we—”

Gregor cleared his throat. How long had he been standing in the doorway? “Dinner’s ready.”

Mother rose and crossed to him. “I hope we haven’t kept you waiting, dear one?”

“Nope. I just put it on the table. Are you gonna be rich, Portia?”

“We’re already rich.”

“You and Quinn are. Me?” Gregor gave her a slow smile. “Well, I guess I am too. I’ve got you.”

“Dear one.” Mother rested her palm against his cheek and chuckled. “We’d need to split this five ways.”